Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound
Sr. Pat Hogan
(845) 634-4957 | sfa[email protected]
The primary goal of the Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound is to bring Christ's listening and accepting presence to the ill person. The Minister can help tend to the spiritual dimension of illness.
Eucharistic Ministers
Sr. Pat Hogan
(845) 634-4957 | sfa[email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion in St. Francis of Assisi Parish are involved in the center of the church's life. They assist the Ordinary Ministers of Communion, the priests and deacons in distributing the Eucharist at Mass. Parishioners are trained and commissioned as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion for the Parish.
Deacon John Inzeo | [email protected]
Proclaimers of the the word of God are called Ministers of the Word or, as is commonly known, Lectors. Those who answer the call to become lectors enter into a deeper relationship with God as He is revealed in the Sacred Scripture.
Stephen Duschaneck | [email protected]
Ushers greet people as they enter the Church, distribute weekly bulletins, and assist congregants in finding seating. They prepare the Offertory table, ask parishioners to bring the gifts of wine and the host to the priest at the Offertory, assist with the collections, and act in securing the safety of the church during services.
Adult/Children Choir
Thomas Snowden | [email protected]
The choirs of St. Francis help to enhance our liturgical celebrations each week, helping to lead the congregation in prayer and song, lifting hearts closer to God through sacred music. The adult choir is made up of members ranging from 8th graders through retirees. The Adult Choir sings at our noon Mass each Sunday and rehearses one evening during the week. Our Children's Choir is made up of children ranging from 2nd through 7th grades. Both choirs come together for special Masses and celebrations throughout the year.
Altar Servers
Deacon Tom Bennett | [email protected]The participation of Altar Servers in our liturgy is a wonderful opportunity for our young ladies and young men, grade 5 and older, to serve Christ. We provide all the training and guidance you will need.