Clare's Cove Thrift Shop
Ursula Wooley and Rosaria Leaver | (845) 638-2892
Altar Society
Ellen Oates
(845) 634-7653
Members of this group help keep our church clean by regularly dusting and sweeping. They also help decorate the church and keep the flowers fresh throughout the liturgical year.
Knights of Columbus
Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it's about enriching your own faith while enhancing family life.
Catholic Daughters
Angela Barry, Regent | [email protected]
Court Spiritus Sanctus #2784 is dedicated to leading others to Christ and to His service, striving to uphold our motto of "Unity and Charity" and attending to the current needs of the church and the community by providing service and charitable donations.